I maintain a linkstack which lists where else I post (and read) online.
This site
What is it for?
Accountability, mainly. Sharing, secondarily.
I’m going to try and develop and maintain habits around a number of things I enjoy doing, and part of that is tracking what I’m planning on doing, what I’ve done, how I did it, whether it succeeded or failed and what I learned from it.
Whether it’s coding, brewing, cooking, music, or whatever else I’m up to, I’m going to try and be disciplined about documenting it.
What runs it?
Hugo is a static site generator I’m using, styled via the PaperMod theme. I’m hosting it via Cloudflare and using GitHub as the code repository for the project. Read more about why and how I set it up, plus anything I’ve modified along the way.
The author
I’m Michael Broggy.
I’m a technologist, brewer, cook and on and on…
I grew up in Dublin, Ireland but have been in the US since Junior High. I’ve lived in NYC, Utah, and now the Philly suburbs.
I’ve owned computers since 1982 and taught myself a variety of skills along the way since, especially early on, reference resources weren’t readily available. I turned self-taught skills into a career and continue to do a variety of things professionally and as a hobbyist.
Brewing beer was something I started with a friend a while back; I progressed from extract to all-grain brewing, moving from stovetop to propane and from there to all-in-one systems. I personally prefer continental styles, but tend to be all over the place when it comes time to brew.
Playing bass is something I put effort into over the pandemic; I’ve owned a bass for many years but never really put the time in to learn it and couldn’t stand the lessons offered at the local music store. Learning from Paul Hutchison has been a game changer for me.
I’m Mael Eoin mac Echuid.
In the medieval recreation group Society for Creative Anachronism, I’m known as Mael Eoin mac Echuid. I intended to learn to brew, cook and do heraldry but quickly wound up fighting, dancing and holding offices… While I started out in NYC, I now live in the Barony of Bhakail (a chapter covering much of the greater Philadelphia area), which is part of the East Kingdom.
I’ll write posts and articles related to the SCA; between personal projects, events and other activities, there’s a lot going on. If you have any questions about the SCA, feel free to ask!